MSP Hacker Hunters Wiki
Anonymous' apparent second account

Cherelcole was most notably featured in the very popular Anonymous warning video made by CherryButtons in 2012: 'MovieStarPlanet Anonymous! - True Story'

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A user on UK MSP named Cherelcole claimed to be Anonymous in 2012. This account is believed by some to be Anonymous' account on MSP, but this is controversial considering the proof given. In the video made in 2012 by Cherry Buttons, 'MovieStarPlanet Anonymous! - True Story', a user called kos1212 is seen saying in a forum that Anonymous' apparent new account is Cherelcole after her "Anonymous account got deleted". Many users were shocked by the amount of pets in Cherelcole's room, as she was only Level 1 at the time, and thought she may have been using a hack.


MovieStarPlanet Anonymous! - True Story

As of 2018, users are able to find Cherelcole's as a way is shown in a video by Ellen MSP. If you search up the user 'red rose 321' on UK server and look at her movies 'Blood on the floor' or 'Monster in the frontroom', you will find that Cherelcole has starred in both movies. BlackKnight777 went onto Cherelcole's profile following Ellen MSP's way of finding Cherelcole and discovered that Cherelcole had bought a month of VIP in 2012, this means that she would have been able to have over 5,000sc which is enough to buy the 5 pets in her room. This therefore could disprove controversy following how many pets were in Cherelcole's room, as well her having nothing else to prove that she really was Anonymous or a hacker at all.



BlackKnight777's video showing that Cherelcole could have easily have bought 5 pets and could not have been Anonymous at all.
