MSP Hacker Hunters Wiki
Anonymous on the login

Anonymous on the login.

Anonymous (also known as Anon, to those on MSP because of the safe chat), was a hacker on MovieStarPlanet (All servers). Anonymous is known to be the most popular hacker on MSP, the first to be largely acknowledged and one of the most feared. Accounts claiming to be Anonymous have been particularly popular on English-speaking servers but have appeared on all servers. In the last five years it seems to be confirmed that Anonymous wasn't actually a hacker at all, but a skilled exploiter, who performed exploits years before it was popularised.

The popularity of Anonymous is likely to have increased when many largely-viewed videos posted on YouTube in June 2012. The impact of Anonymous had a significant effect on the culture of MovieStarPlanet and likely encouraged the popularity of other hackers in the following years, such as The Grim Reaper, The Dolly and Miss Outrage, and the eventual creation of hacking hunting groups.

How It All Began


It all started on night of June 28th 2012 at 10:56pm. A forum called Little Test, on the UK server, was made by a deleted user. This deleted user scared many users by stating that she was level one, non VIP, which was impossible as you couldn't create a forum unless you were VIP, or level 6 (which at the time you had to be level 3) and over.

Much of the story and photos of the incident have been recorded on the YouTube video 'Anonymous MovieStarPlanet The Story', on June 29th 2012 by CherryButtons (going by Cheekymonkey543 at the time). This seems to be the earliest video recorded about Anonymous.

Anonymous' Victims

There were many alleged victims of Anonymous, including many of the most famous users at the time, however, not all the later hackings are confirmed and may have been users wanting to join in on the action.

Victims of the A Little Test

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The night of the 28th June


  • Ishacool, the top moviestar on the UK highscores.
  • DiaVanille
  • Lucky Lily
  • Packs1
  • SmileyLucy
The morning of the 29th June
  • Rebecca374
  • xxMKxx
  • Grace Jundi
  • Aleena(:x
  • kos1212
  • dolphin54354 claimed at the time that 'Anonymous tried to hack me but failed' and alleged that they had 'triple security'

Later alleged victims

  • DogLuvverAlex
  • Hi Im Kayla
  • Tawna

Anonymous on the login screen


Anonymous on the UK login screen

The fear surrounding the situation involving the alleged hackings was increased, with what looked like the appearance of the Deleted User responsible for the hackings, appearing on the login screen. On UK server, many users claimed that when they logged on when this user was present that they were hacked. The general scenario where this happened was that shortly after logging on, the user would allegedly get logged out and a short while later the hacked user would log on to see that their status would be changed. There have not been proof that Anonymous deleted any users or removed items.

Moderators' response


Another moderator's response to Anonymous.


A moderator's response to Anonymous

Many Moderators tried to contain the situation by declaring that the anonymous user was fake, and the user on the log in screen was purely a coincidence as users on the log in screen were computer-generated, one such moderator who did this was Moderator 005. This would be the first of many times that staff of MSP would claim that there were no such thing as hacked on this site.

Moviestarplanet the real anonymouscaughtinchatroom by msptawna-d56khog

The 'real' alleged Anonymous' account on US MSP.

Screenshot from 2016-11-04 22:57:10

Cherelcole After The New Levels


A fake Anonymous; the "What time is it look" that won a competition on Irish Msp.

Fake Anonymous Users

There are millions of anonymous' (although you can't type in the word 'anonymous' because it is blocked out) when you are searching on friends. They are most commonly in the cafes, and sometimes Ishacool or another high score movie star's room. But 99% of the anonymous' found are fake, as there is only one real anonymous, however, many new hackers have named themselves as 'Anonymous' despite them not being the original MSP Anonymous.


Anonymous' apparent second account

Cherelcole, Anonymous' apparent second account.

According to early videos in 2012 about Anonymous, which grew to be hugely popular, Anonymous had a second account called Cherelcole.

When Anonymous first attacked, many people confused the hacker to be the real-life Anonymous, the world-wide hacker-activist group that has hacked government websites and exposed scandals. However, when a video named "Anonymous: Operation MovieStarPlanet" was released, these theories were debunked. The person stating that they "did not, or would not do such a thing on a children's social media website" and "that their fight was only against the government." Some have claimed that this video is not real but regardless the general consensus is that the Anonymous group have nothing to do with the situation on MSP.

Often, people say that Anonymous was MSP staff. Some think it's true, some think it's fake, and some just have no opinion. Back when MSP was a small game and not many people played it, a moderator decided to make a hacker. If this was at all true, it is said the moderator was later fired.

TheCult has claimed that they are dating 'Anon' and that they are male.

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Relationships with other hackers

  • TheCult - TheCult and Anonymous are said to be girlfriend and boyfriend, it was established they probably know in real life as they have much knowledge on each other.
  • Miss Filly - It is said that Miss Filly no longer likes TheCult and Anonymous after TheCult had hacked Twisted Nerve and locked out, but there is proof they were once friends.
  • Grim Reaper - Grim is her rival, Anonymous is said to of only caused the virus to show he is superior towards Grim.
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Msp hacker