MSP Hacker Hunters Wiki

Who is Hurting Smile?

Hurting Smile, or Smile is a hacker on MovieStarPlanet and is an apparent member of the group of seven, Team Two-Faced. (CA and UK).


What Do They Look Like?

Hurting Smile wears black and turquoise/cyan clothing, headphones, a mask, a blindfold, and has red hair.

What Do They Do When They Hack You?

When they hack you they will remove everything you are wearing, give some of your stuff away, use your coins, change your animation, make you smile, and write "Smile for me (d) -Hurting Smile."

Relationship with other hackers

Hurting Smile is in Team Two-Faced. On Canada they are best-friends with Trudget, MyHour, ToomuchSkin, and their girlfriend is Kensai,or could just be their fourth best friend. On UK their girlfriend/fourth best friend is Kensai.
